Save a
Life and restore Rights
How to Help
Every gift small or large will save a life and restore rights.
You can make one-off gifts or set up a standing order - monthly or annually
You can send a cheque in the post to the charity’s official address on the Home Page - made payable to The Afghan Relief Trust
Sponsor a family or an individual in the case of a girl or woman taking part in on-line education.
You can do this using a standing order made out to the Trust
You can do this in an individual capacity, as your own family or as a community group eg a church or club or a group of friends/neighbours
Organise small fund-raising events in your community - cake sales, coffee mornings etc are opportunities to chat about the ART and the needs of Afghan people, and maybe recruit supporters and/or sponsors.
“The target for each of the two years beginning 2025 is for us to raise £28,000 (total £56,000) to meet the needs of the people we have begun to help in 2022 - 2024. For the coming year £12,000 has been pledged, so raising funds is a key activity for us.”
How Far Can Your Donation Go?
Food and shelter/warmth for a family of 6 - fairly typical average size of Afghan family is only £4 per day or £130 per month.
Education, food and shelter for a woman and her daughter is approximately £100 per month.

Please remember that if you are a UK taxpayer you can make your donation increase in value by 25% just download and fill in the Gift Aid Form