The ‘Well of Kindness’

In the early summer of 2023, the well supplying water to a district near to Kabul where some of the families we support live ran dry. Basically, it was too shallow.

This meant that water for many families had to be carried by hand for more than a mile.  

One Afghan refugee in our area contacted friends in other parts of the UK and the supporters of the Afghan Relief Trust and between them raised the money to sink a new and much deeper well in the grounds of a local mosque.  

Up to 100 families have benefited from this new well since water began to flow in August. It has been named “The Well of Kindness” in Pashto to make a very specific point – that kindness, not fighting and hatred, will sustain life. Our future depends on kindness as much as we depend on water.

This well is a living and life-generating symbol of what the Afghan Relief Trust is about, even though we have chosen for safety reasons not to advertise it as a gift from the UK. It will do its work cloaked in modesty.